People in Bracknell have had their say on the town centre’s regeneration – as the next phase of its transformation is in the works.

Bracknell Forest Council has released masterplans that could transform large parts of the town centre.

Plans involve replacing the bus station with a market square, demolishing the now disused High Street car park for a new neighbourhood, and revamping the area around Bracknell library.

The News asked shoppers in The Lexicon for their thoughts on the town centre’s regeneration so far – and what they would like to see in the future.

Adrian, 54, semi-retired from Wokingham

"I think the regeneration has been good for Bracknell. I live in Wokingham and come here for shopping.

"It saves us going down to Reading. There are more shops here than Wokingham and there are good restaurants too."

READ MORE: Tell Bracknell Forest Council what you think about town centre plans

Joe Pinder, retired

"I'm from Manchester, where we have some big shopping centres like the Arndale and the Trafford Centre. I moved down here two weeks ago the shopping centre here is excellent.

"But some of the surrounding areas like the bus station and the area around the library are looking a bit tired now. It's like they've made a good start here and now it needs extending."

Kaylee, 21, parent

"The town centre is really good. It's clean, very modern. It's convenient for shopping otherwise we'd have to go to Camberley or Reading. Reading is busy and not the easiest, especially with kids.

"The only thing about parking is they don't have parent and child parking. If they had that on the first floor it would be better."

Ellie, 20, parent

"I would prefer the bus station to stay where it is because it's easier to use with kids than having to take them around a market square."

Riley, 24

"The town is amazing now and the first regeneration really transformed it so that people want to come from miles around.”

Aimee, 24

"I would love the next change to be where the Hollywood Bowl is and the area behind it because it’s quite run down and it hasn’t had a refurb in years.

"I don’t think it matters that the bus stop will be closing. There will always be places to get a bus around the town and I don’t think an allocated space for all the buses is necessary.

"A market place will be an extension of the town centre which will bring more people in."

Tony Jenkins from Warfield

"I have lived here for 30 years and compared to before the town is the best I’ve ever seen it. It is always buzzing. It’s a breath of fresh air.

"However I do think that the closure of the bus station and inclusion of more flats is the wrong decision.

"Personally, me and my wife come into town via the bus and I know a lot of other people do it as well because it is so convenient. To take the bus station away would be a huge loss.

"If the buses were put anywhere else and more flats were added to the area there would also be more traffic and congestion. That isn’t what the town needs. It is perfect at the minute."

Cameron Bell, 24, a Heathrow worker

"Compared to what it was before I think the town centre is brilliant.

"I use the bus to get to work in Heathrow and I know the bus station is used a lot so getting rid of it would be a mistake. Why get rid of a bus station that works.

"One thing that does need to improve is the cleanliness of the streets."