Adverts for a major housing development, and a caravan park extension are in this week’s roundup of planning applications and decisions in Bracknell Forest and Wokingham Borough.

You can view each one by going to the relevant council’s planning website and searching for the application number provided.

Bracknell Forest: Taylor Wimpey adverts (23/00289/A)

Taylor Wimpey has finally got planning permission to advertise its new housing development – after being told off for jumping the gun last year.

A sign advertising the first properties in a 300-home construction project between Harvest Ride and Warfield Street first went up at the Whitegrove Roundabout last year – without planning permission.

Bracknell Forest Council issued the developer with an enforcement notice, and Taylor Wimpey then submitted an application.

Council highways officers then said the advert at the roundabout would be a distraction for drivers, and so would have to move. Now permission has finally been granted for adverts further west along Harvest Ride, across from the junction of Priory Lane.

Bracknell Forest: paved-over grass (24/00074/FUL)

A homeowner has applied for retrospective planning permission to pave over some grass attached to her house.

The homeowner on Pewsey Vale in Forest Park paved over the patch of grass with permeable concrete in 2019. They said people used to park on it, not realising it was part of their property. Now they have had to apply to keep the hardstanding.

Bracknell News: An example of one of the park homes that High Pines Caravan Park wanted to buildAn example of one of the park homes that High Pines Caravan Park wanted to build (Image: Omar Group)

Bracknell Forest: caravan park extension (23/00024/FUL)

Plans to extend a caravan park in Maiden’s Green have been refused by Bracknell Forest Council.

High Pines Caravan Park in Winkfield wanted permission to demolish Hill Copse, a house on the site, which it says is ‘in a poor state of repair’.

This was then to be replaced with what a planning statement said would be ten new caravans – although pictures show they are actually prefabricated park homes.

But council planning officers ruled that this would harm the openness of the greenbelt. That’s because the homes, new hardstanding and ‘residential paraphernalia’ would spread into undeveloped areas.

The council also said the plan would conflict with a tree preservation order. And it said that planners had not shown protected species would be harmed, or that there would be safe access.

Wokingham Borough: new parking spaces (240011)

Owners of three houses on Enstone Road in Woodley have been allowed to replace grass with parking spaces in their gardens.

Wokingham Borough Council planning officers granted them permission – but said they must provide details of the design, height and colour of nine accompanying bollards before work can begin.